Forty-nine Benton Community High School graduates were recently awarded 53 college scholarships totaling $30,500 from the Benton Scholarship Foundation (BSF).


BSF is an affiliate of Citizens' Scholarship Foundation of America (CSFA). CSFA is the national non-profit parent organization of over 770 Dollars for Scholars chapters nationwide. Because these scholarships are from a Dollars for Scholars Chapter, most colleges or universities do not reduce student aid dollars by the scholarship amount. In some cases, the scholarship will receive partial or full matching dollars.


Class of 2012 recipients included:


1.       H.O. Schloeman Memorial Scholarship - Brian Voss

2.       David Weichman Memorial Scholarship - Kendra Miner

3.       Mansfield Charitable Foundation Scholarship - Kelsey Brecht

4.       Ruth Schloeman Memorial Scholarship - Kelsey Gerhold

5.       Linnie Schloeman/Young Corn Memorial Scholarship - Alicia Gage

6.       Benton Scholarship Foundation Scholarship - Danielle Busta

7.       Masonic Lodge Scholarship - Ross Karsten

8.       Alberta Owens Memorial Scholarship - Zach Koehn

9.       Rudolf Pingel Memorial Scholarship - Travis Junge

10.   Palo Savings Bank Scholarship - Hannah Bode

11.   Final Season Movie Scholarship - Anna Schulte

12.   Benton County State Bank Scholarship - Kevin Baseman

13.   Hofer Family Scholarship - Tommy Zittergruen

14.   Jason Seboldt Memorial Scholarship - Austin Cassell

15.   Watkins Savings Bank Scholarship - Keilly Lopada

16.   Chad Hennings Scholarship - Emily Mattison

17.   Ben and Nina Smith Memorial Scholarship - Jordyn Brunssen

18.   Ron and Sally Donald Scholarship - Kaleb Thomas

19.   Atkins Telephone Company Scholarship - Ashley Mills

20.   Atkins Savings Bank Scholarship - AnnaClaire Chin

21.   Benton Mutual Insurance Scholarship - Nicole Kaloupek

22.   Lillian Christian-Stoner Memorial Scholarship - Amy Formanek

23.   Roy Becker, Sr. and Becker Tiling Scholarship - Ryan Oberreuter

24.   Otis Tuttle Memorial Scholarship - Robert Rathje

25.   Keystone Savings Bank Scholarship - Benjamin Markland

26.   BankIowa Scholarship - Katherine Pexa

27.   Chelsea Savings Bank Scholarship - Conner Schroder

28.   Royal Tuttle Memorial Scholarship - Conrad Thompson

29.   Atkins Lumber Company Scholarship - Emily Lange

30.   Raegan Junge Scholarship - Mikayla Larsen

31.   Rausch Financial Services Scholarship - Sarah Mihm

32.   Melissa Palmersheim Memorial Scholarship - Kierstin Blomberg

33.   Deb Allman Memorial Scholarship - Tanysha Traux

34.   Prusha Family Scholarship - Rebecca Bridgewater

35.   Louie and Joanne Kaiser Scholarship - Paige Pickart

36.   Van Horne Cooperative Telephone Company Scholarship - Isaac Wibe

37.   Harold Ritscher/Mary Adams Family Scholarship - Alex Brown

38.   Bruce Schulte Memorial Scholarship - Kyle Schrader

39.   Dustin M Stoddard Memorial Scholarship - Kathryn Martin

40.   Gahring Machine Scholarship - Adam Schmidt

41.   Terry and Doris Markwitz Scholarship - Jacob Stenberg

42.   Coleman/Thompson Family Scholarship - Jordan Kearns

43.   Tim Casey Scholarship - Mikel Volz

44.   Sindt Implement Scholarship - Cory Christensen

45.   Irene Pohlmann Memorial Scholarship - Eric Horstman

46.   Kenneth and Etta Lee Scholarship - James Leibold

47.   In Memory of Dr. Donald and Verna Wagner Scholarship - McKenna Karsten

48.   Rick and Cindy Nolan Scholarship - Paige Butz

49.   In Memory of the Humphrey Boys Scholarship - Kaitlin Meade

50.   Debbie Manternach Memorial Scholarship - Kelsey Gerhold

51.   South Slope Cooperative Communications Scholarship - Kelsey Brecht

52.   Ray and Gertrude Deflefsen Scholarship - Brian Voss

53.   Benton Staff Payroll Deduction Scholarship - Kendra Miner


BSF's mission is to help provide higher education for Benton graduates through the earnings on endowed funds and direct scholarships from the generous donations from businesses, patrons and friends of Benton Community in the form of scholarships. 

Anyone wishing to make a charitable contribution or plan a future bequest to the BSF, please contact one of the board members listed below, or write to: BSF, PO Box 129, Van Horne, IA 52346.

BSF board members include: Kelsey Ritscher and Andrea Townsley of Keystone; Steve Allman and Cristy Hurley of Van Horne; Jake Rabe and Therese Fisher of Blairstown; Deb Schmidt of Watkins; Andy Jones, Tyson Jacobi and Robyn Woeste of Atkins; Gina Krug and Keri Touro of Newhall; and Debie Towe of Norway; and Brooke Kupka of Vinning.